Online Name Generators

The name generators is a 1 man hobby project started 10 years ago.
Now I have found time to update and modernize both the name generators and all the tech behind.
The online name generators are based on a "keep it simple" philosophy. From the simple user interface and one click name generation to the vanilla JavaScript laying underneath. Making it easy for users to use and for me to maintain.
The purpose of it all is off course to provide some cool and fun nicknames for your online life.
If you find a cool generator, please help me and share it with your friends. :-)
More about the project and the guy behind.
Nickname Generators
At the you can make all kind of cool online nicknames with a single click. The name generators comes in several different flavors. You can make funny superhero nicks, mysterious fantasy names, creative project names or funky bandnames.
Just pick your favorite name generator and start making online nicks for your favorite games, your friends and your projects.
Everything is really simple. No forms to fill. Just click the big generate button. All the names are saved to a list, so you won't miss any of them, even if your get carried away with some speed clicking. ;-)
You can click the names on the save list to check if the corresponding domain is available. It opens a new window and a domain availability check is instantly performed for you by an external partner.
Cool Names

I love cool names. And my main goal is off course to make cool names. But what is cool? It very often boils down to personal preference and background. Furthermore a cool online nickname is very different from a cool band or business name.
But good names share certain qualities over bad names. First of all a good name is catchy and create inner images. It will tell stories, is powerful and easy to remember and pronounce.
It's hard enough for us humans to come up with new creative and cool names. Things only get harder, when you try to do it with some rather simple JavaScript commands. Randomness to the rescue!
Random Name Generation
Unrestricted randomness is the only benefit a coded name generator has to humans when it comes to making new names. But pure random name generation would result in meaningless output and words hard to both pronounce and remember. You have to somehow restrict the randomness.
In name generator you do that with long lists of words and names, that are combined in different patterns according to the underlying mathematical algorithms
It's the right mixture of catchy words and mathematical random algorithms that gives variation and the randomness makes the surprising combinations.
In total all the online name generators are capable of making more than 25,000,000 random and unique names. Going from funny online nicks to more serious project names and brands!
Name generator categories
The generators can roughly be divided into 3 major categories after their primary uses. You can find cool online nicknames with the nickname generator, superhero generator or the pirate generator.
You can get ideas and inspiration to make creative company names and brands with the business generator, brand or project name generator.
Finally you can create epic fantasy names with the fantasy generator, clan generator and the evil name generator. Lots of cool fantasy names to use in your role playing games and for all your role RPG characters.
Domain availability check
From all of the generators you can now perform a domain availability check directly from the save list. Just pick the names you would like to domain check, click them to find out if the specific or any corresponding domains are available.
If the domain is already in use alternative domains and top level domains are suggested based on your initial request.
Name generator NEWS
Team Name Generator rewrite
Statistics for the team generator showed that users left it faster than all my other generators, so the generator has gone through a complete rewrite. All arrays has been written from scratch and hopefully making much more suitable for a much broader audience.
I still use some of the old fantasy feel to add character and coolness to the team names, but now I also use lots of military, strategy and sports expressions to also support modern esport and not only the RPG audience.
You can find it here: Team Name Generator.
New secure connection
The online-generators are now served over the secured https protocol to secure your privacy.
I use Google Analytics with anonymized user data to improve the user experience, but the website saves absolutely nothing it self. All names are generated locally on your device and are never send back to the site.
Finally I have added a minimal cookie alert script to handle various countries cookie laws.
Business name generator update
I have just updated the arrays of the Business Name Generator The result is better and more cool company and business names.
So now there's even more cool ideas and suggestions for naming your business.
Domain name generator
The Domain Name Generator is a business tool specialized in making cool company domain suggestions based on catchy syllables and word combinations.
The domain generator uses expressions from science, economics and the high tech industry to make creative, innovative and catchy domain names.
Responsive design
To please my many visitors on mobile devices I deployed a responsive design last month. So now it's a lot easier to navigate and use the online-generators, when you are on the move.
If you visit with a traditional browser, you can test it quickly by dragging the browser window smaller. It works in all modern browser, but not in Internet Explorer.
Superhero names
Because of a huge interest in the Superhero Name Generator, due to the recent release of several marvel comics as movies like the Green Hornet Superhero movie and the Avengers I updated the word arrays.
The superhero generator now has greater variation and makes makes even more cool superhero names. Try it out!
Company Name Generator
Just finished a major overhaul to the Company Name Generator. Now it makes even more trendy and modern high tech cool company names.
Try it for creative suggestion and new ideas for naming your company.
Fake Name Generator
Need a fake name for a book, article or an online profile? The new Fake Name Generator will do the job. Based on real life American lists.
Name Randomizer
Random Name Generator is a true name randomizer. It randomizes over a huge list or real life firstnames and surnames, and makes random boys and girls names. The randomizer is based on the 3000 most used American names mixed and re-combined by a random function and complex random algorithms.
It is my largest generator till now. The randomizer will make up to 6 billions (6x109)unique and random names. The precise number depends on the format and composition of the final output.
Clan Generator release
Just released a clan name generator, which is aimed at multi-player online games.
The clan generator helps you make cool names for your clans. It is based on fantasy names, but will make cool names for all kind of multi player games. From first person shooters to MMORPG.
Nickname Gen
I have made a huge update to the nickname generator.
I have added new cool nicknames to the generator and removed some of the old school nicknames.
The random name algorithms has also been updated and I have added new nickname combinations. The nickname gen now makes more of the short nicknames and fewer long nicknames.
List of cool names
As a long wanted feature I have added a cool list of random names to all the generators. Now all the generated names are saved to that list. You won't miss a single one no matter how fast you click.
Before you leave you just save the list of cool names.
Product names
A new Product Name Generator is now released. The Product name generator make random product names. The names can be used for products, brands or project titles.
New Fantasy names
I have updated the Fantasy Name Generator to make true fantasy names. The Fantasy Generator now use short syllables to compose the fantasy name.
Syllables like eg. el, dor, dan, al give male fantasy names like "Eldan" and "Aldor".
Fantasy names are perfect for your online characters in WOW, Metin2, Runescape etc. The names can be used as barbarian names, dwarf and gnome names, knight and warrior names, ogre and troll names, goblin names and all other races and creatures you will meet in the fantasy universe.
How to make cool names?
If you wanna know how to make good names you have come to the right place. Here's a brief guide to finding good names at the online name generators.
First you need to decide what kind of names or generators your are looking for. Is it
- Cool nicknames
- Funny name generator
- Game name generator
- Business names
Cool nicknames
You can get cool nicknames from several of the name generators at the website. The nickname generators offers both some very funny and plenty of cool nicknames. From the scary vampire and to the salty pirate names from funny superhero and dark and evil names.
But coolness can also be the kind of mysterious badass coolness you find in the fantasy universe. So maybe one of my many fantasy generators will be the best solution in the quest for the perfect cool nicks. Try the wow, elf or fantasy name generators if you are more into badass, dark or mysterious kind of naming.
When you find the perfect nickname it can be used in unlimited ways. Use it as the ultimate cool online screen or character names in any kind of online communities. Use among your friends. Or use in your school project. Only your imagination sets the limit.
Game name generators
Lots of dedicated game name generators on the website site too. Doesn't matter if you are the casual gamer looking for a cool individual game tag or forum avatar/username. Or you are the hardcore online gamer naming you new team or group of gamers.
For the individual gamer use the elf or wow generator for cool game names. Or maybe the superhero generator if you game and character is the funny type.
If you are looking for a name for your badass team try my hardcore clan and team name generator specialized in making cool group and team names with a strong references to the fantasy world. They are perfect for online games like Call of Duty, Leagues of Legends, Runescape, Minecraft and severals of the new and upcoming online games.
Funny name generator
So you need a funny name? Several funny name generators among the lot. The superhero generator is a great place to start the search for funny names. But you has also a good opportunity to find many good funny names at the pirate, evil or nickname generator
Well i love a good laugh and an ironic and funny approach, so in many of my generators you will find the occasional funny name as the hidden easter egg. Some times on purpose, but also sometimes by chance.
Business names
Try the company generator if you are looking for new cool business names. Or you can go directly for the cool domain name and let your Internet domain define your future company, product or brand.
Or go to the code name generator that can spice up your projects with creative, funny and out of the box codenames. Or use it as a hip app name generator for your latest Android or iphone apps. Makes work a little funnier if everything not always have to be so dull. So go for the colorful, go for some funny codenames.
Character name generator
Many of the generators are character name generators. The character name generators also falls in different categories.
Funny character name generator
Most of the funny nickname randomizer are character name generators. Character name generators that are coming up with ideas for character names to your online characters or identity.
Real life character name generator
Both the fake and random name generator are real life character name generators. These very genuine and realistic character names can be used for both false Internet identities or for naming people in novels, essays or reports.
Screen name generators
Nickname generators can also be used as character name generators mainly for your Internet alter egos. But the most common use of them is for funny screen names used on online communities like forums, bulletin boards, twitter, social networking places or wherever you need a cool nick, avatar, tag or screen name.
The philosophy behind the project
The philosophy behind the whole project is that an online web application should only offer the fundamental features and functions. Features that will satisfy the needs of 90% of my users. This philosophy makes the name generators easy to operate from your very first visit.
Many name generators requires user input like typing your name, checking your sex etc. I think they are a hassle to use. Much faster just to hit the generator button and make a new name, if you didn't like the first ones. And just click away. Remember all the names are saved to a list, so you won't miss any of them.
Other name generators are characterized by messy user interfaces and too many and confusing choice to make. This is unnecessary. The online generator is supposed to do the hard work. Not you.
The result is that the name generators are easy to use, easy to understand, simple and functional even for first timers.
The programming behind the project
All the scripting are based on native JavaScript to produce a super fast, instantly and modern responsive web apps.
The JavaScript is executed locally in the users browser. It's modern web technology at its best. Super high speed naming and maximum privacy. Server side technologies like php are extremely slow
The best generators
A brief overview of some of users favorites and my personal favorite generators.
Business Generator
Generate catchy and creative business names for your business or company with the
Business Name
The Online Business Generator will generate random and free business names for your. Both serious and
cool business names
will make your business stand out and add trust and credibility to you business and company. Lots of good
ideas and suggestions to work with
in the process of naming your business.
Company Name Generator
The Company Name Generator makes innovative, creative and cool ideas for naming your company. Very easy to generate hundreds of new ideas and suggestions. The company name generator focus on making trendy and modern company names.
Team Name Generator
looking for a cool team name generator? The Team Name Generator will make some cool team names for you and your online teams.
The team name generator is founded in the gives outstanding, catchy and cool team names. Very suitable for use in different contexts from sports games to naming clans for COD, Medal of Honor or wherever you need a badass team name.
Also perfect for coming up with ideas for esport teams for Counter Strike or a whole range of other upcoming esports
Cool nicknames
Cool nicknames is the goal for the nickname gen. The nickname generator make random nicknames for your. Use them for fun. For your Facebook group, Messenger, AIM, Google plus or any of the social networking services you are using.
The generated nicks are perfect to use as screen names, tags or avatars on your favorite forums and social networks as well as online game communities. But you can also use them as pet and nicknames for your girlfriend or boyfriends.
WoW Name Generator
The WoW Name Generator make WoW nicks and nicknames for your World of Warcraft characters. Nicks for dwarfs, trolls, orcs, undead, elfs. All 10 races in this online WoW tool. A super tool for naming all your WoW characters.
Codename Generator
Generate interesting, creative and random code names for your pleasure or business project with the
Codename Generator.
It creates random code names for your. You can use them for naming your projects, your new mobile app or
your software. Make project work more fun
and interesting, and distinguish your project and products from all the others.
Clan Generator
With the Clan Name Generator you can make cool clan names for you online teams, guilds and clans in all role playing games from dungeon and dragon to runescape and world of warcraft.
The clan names are also very suited for all multi player online games. The fantasy feel gives some really cool nicknames for all teams, guilds and clans from fantasy RPG's to first person shooters.
Superhero names
Generate funny and cool superhero nicknames with the
Create epic, fun and cool nicknames with a superhero theme. Superhero, cartoon and villains nicks.
Fantasy Names
The Fantasy Name Generator generate fantasy character names for your role playing game (RPG), your avatars or online and gamer identities.
Lots of random, heroic and epic names generated. Perfect for all kinds of RPG's and MMORPG's like Metin2, Knights Online etc. A cool game name generator making gamer tags, avatars and game nicks for all kind of computer and video games.
Pirate Names
The Pirate Name Generator make fun and cool pirate and pirate ship names. A cool experience for all old salty dogs.
This application uses old English names and a lot of pirate related words and expressions to generate random cool pirate nicknames. The perfect tool for the worldwide talk like a pirate day.
Fake Names
The Fake Name Generator makes fake names for your online profiles, book characters and so on. They are created based on the most used international names from the USA. This particular generator can create 6 billions unique and random names. This randomizer is indeed the perfect character name generator.
Product Generator
The Product Name Generator is a business generator that produce product names for you and you business project. Products names are generic and can be used for a wide range of products as well as brands.
Band Name maker
The Band Name Maker makes cool band names for you and your band.
Get inspiration to your next band name with this super cool band namer.
Project Generator
Generate interesting, creative project titles and cool random codename for your project with the Project Name Generator. This online tool will generate random and cool project names for your. Future projects will be more fun and interesting with more cool project names. Also it will also distinguish your projects from other and more dull projects. ;-) It will make your project stand out.